EOS Red Circle Lenses (Review)

by - October 24, 2014

Hi! Today I’d love to talk to you about “Circle Lenses”, specifically about the “New Adult Red Circle Lenses” by EOS.

Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Review Cute EOS New Adult Red Circle Lense Lenses
Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Review Cute EOS New Adult Red Circle Lense Lenses

I love these lenses because they make your eye’s iris look bigger like a doll or anime character ♥. Also a big plus I must mention about this model is that you can order it with prescription! In my opinion this is amazing because people who need prescription (like I do :P) can also use them.

You can get this kind of lenses at YesStyle, eBay or any other online store. I bought mine on an online store for $20 USD including the shipping cost. Here are some pictures of me with my 2013 Halloween costume using my EOS circle lenses (I added a little bit of brightness to the photos because I took them at night time).

Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Review Cute EOS New Adult Red Circle Lense Lenses Halloween Costume Cosplay Vampire Eyes
Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Review Cute EOS New Adult Red Circle Lense Lenses Halloween Costume Cosplay Vampire Eyes

:: OVERALL [9/10] ::

I would totally buy them again! The only ‘bad’ point about them is that if you have dark eyes, like mine, when there’s no day light it’s hard to notice the red color. But when you’re outside, in the sun light, you can easily see the bright red color! Also a big thumbs-up is the durability and quality; if you take good care of them, they could last for more than 2 years :D

Have a lovely day! I'll see you next week ♥.