Origami Animals: Cat, Cicada, Mouse, Bee, Raccoon (& Fails)

by - February 26, 2016

DIY, How to, Handmade, Crafts, Kawaii, Cute, Paper, Koori Style, KooriStyle, Koori, Style, Idea, Hidden Message, Easy, Quick, 折り紙, Origami, Cat, Racoon, Mouse, Bee, Cicada, Animals, Animales, Gato, Ratón, Cigarra, Mapache, Abeja

Hi Friends~ ♥ Today I have another origami video for you. I tried making some cute origami animals following the instructions for each one of them but~ some were a success and some other a failure hehe :P

DIY, How to, Handmade, Crafts, Kawaii, Cute, Paper, Koori Style, KooriStyle, Koori, Style, Idea, Hidden Message, Easy, Quick, 折り紙, Origami, Cat, Racoon, Mouse, Bee, Cicada, Animals, Animales, Gato, Ratón, Cigarra, Mapache, Abeja

Would you like to see the "round 2" for this origami animals? hehe I'll try my best to make them one more time ★! See you soon my Friends, have a nice day ♥!

Spanish/Español: ¡Hola amigas(os)! El día de hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes un vídeo en el cual intento hacer animales de origami: gato, cigarra, abeja, ratón y mapache. Recuerden que los vídeos nuevos ya tienen subtítulos en español para que puedan disfrutarlos mejor *abrazos* :)