Japanese Candy: Aporo Chocolate ♥!
Hi Friends~♥ First of all, I'm so sorry that I mixed up the images on my previous "Kinoko no Yama" candy post; I already changed the images for the right ones :)
And~ for today's blog post I have another Japanese DIY candy video to show you! This time I tried making some Aporo chocolate using this super cute kit ♥.

Today there won't be a final question but~ I'd like to share with you some announcement: Soon there will be new changes on this blog, good changes. And I'll also try making more and better videos once May starts ^.^/ hehe, see you soon my Friends, have a nice day!
Spanish/Español: ¡Hola amigas(os)! El día de hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes otro vídeo sobre dulces japoneses. Ahora probaremos el kit de los chocolates Aporo ♥. Recuerden que los vídeos nuevos ya tienen subtítulos en español para que puedan disfrutarlos mejor *abrazos* :)