Makeup Review: Mumuso Hydrating CC Cushion

Hello my friends~ I'm trying to keep my goal to update this blog once a week so today that we had a beautiful rainy day I got in the mood to work on this small post ♡.
I must say I got motivated to make reviews on beauty items and things like that. By the way I don't own many beauty products but I have 2 of them that I wanted to share with you; my idea was to make a YouTube video, but my friend's reviews gave me the idea to do a blog post on them ゝ◡╹)ノ♡
Moving on to the main topic hehe, this is a CC cream hydrating cushion that I got on a trip to Mexico City. I bought it on a store called Mumuso and this item was on a 70% off sale so I paid around $4 USD for it; pretty cheap, isn't it ♡?

If I came across this product again, I would certainly buy it; my skin is towards the dry side and this worked perfectly good on me, it also helped the powder to not look 'broken' and my skin looked a bit more shiny ☆゚.*・。゚
I hope you enjoyed this small review and I can't wait to show you the other makeup item. I wish you a lovely day my friends and if you have any basic, good makeup item to recommend, don't forget to leave me a comment below. Byebye~ ゝ◡╹)ノ♡
Español: Hola hola~ el día del hoy les tengo una pequeña reseña de un producto que compré en un viaje a la ciudad de México en la tienda Mumuso. Me salió muy barato la verdad ya que estaba con descuento del 70% y pague $90 MXN por el... toda una ganga, verdad? jeje. Como pueden ver en las fotos tanto la caja como el producto tienen un diseño muy elegante, simple y lindo; la verdad me encantó y no puedo creer me haya costado tan barato, compré 3 de ellos. El aplicador es muy suave y no absorbe producto así que no desperdicias la crema al aplicarla. Me terminé uno en aproximadamente 5 meses pero como no salgo tanto usaba un poco del producto 5~6 veces al mes. Debo decir yo tengo la piel algo seca y esta crema CC me ayudó mucho ya que cuando aplico el polvo este ya no se ve 'partido'. Definitivamente si lo volviera a encontrar lo compraría de nuevo ゝ◡╹)ノ♡
❄ Cori・氷 ❄