The Vampire Chronicles (B&N Collectible Edition)
Since it has been a long time from the last #RandomDay, today I’ll show you the second book I bought from the Barnes & Noble Collectible Edition: “The Vampire Chronicles” by Anne Rice.

This edition includes three amazing vampire stories:
- Interview with the Vampire
- Vampire Lestat
- Queen of the Damned

As the previous book (Dracula), this one also has this old-book-look on it, which in my opinion is beautiful. The edges of the pages come in a golden color and between the chapters we can find some amazing illustrations.

I have 5 books pending to be read, and this is one of them. Since this edition comes with three stories is very heavy and you can’t carry it around easily. Maybe I should make a goal for 2015 about reading these pending books :P
Which kind of books do you like to read? Leave a comment below and I’ll see you soon ♥.