Monthly Wishes #4
November’s here! Time’s going by very quickly. I can’t wait for 2015; this year was awesome and I’m sure 2015 will be better ♥. Oh! By the way… I’m super happy because this is my blog post #100! :D
☓ Finish reading a pending book
✓ Create a Halloween illustration
✓ Attend October's Alt on Topic! (You can read the advices I learned about Pinterest HERE)
✓ Create a new kind of Koori Style's items for the Etsy shop
✓ Start making some income from blogging/selling items (Sold another blog planner PDF! Also got orders for Halloween costumes :P)
✓ Make ideas for my November’s cosplay
☐ Make my new cosplay!
☐ Create some doll items for my Etsy Shop
☐ Draw ideas for December’s “Koori Chan ~ Paper Doll”
☐ Make my first Youtube video tutorial (I’m so nervous about this one but I must take the first step)
☐ Clean up my closet
☐ Brainstorm cool ideas for the 2015 subscribers freebies
What's your monthly wish? Leave a comment below and I'll see you soon!
PS. I’ll end this post with an image of the last month's goal I’m most proud of: My Paper Doll Collection ♥.