NCT Journal: Hendery

by - September 28, 2020

Koori, Style, KooriStyle, NCT, NCT2020, WayV, Journal, Hendery, Planner, Decoration, Decoración, Birthday, Bday, Cumpleaños, Stationery

Hi friends 🌧! Today we have a lovely windy and cloudy weather over here, so I got inspired to write this entry to share with you; a small decoration I did on my NCT journal that I started back in June (My friend Ludmi from Argentina gifted me this cute journal from her trip to South Korea, isn't it lovely? ).

Koori, Style, KooriStyle, NCT, NCT2020, WayV, Journal, Hendery, Planner, Decoration, Decoración, Birthday, Bday, Cumpleaños, Stationery

This time I worked on Hendery's decoration because today is his B-day ٩(^ᴗ^)۶. I went for a pastel theme using mainly purple, pink and aqua colors. These are the materials I used:

Koori, Style, KooriStyle, NCT, NCT2020, WayV, Journal, Hendery, Planner, Decoration, Decoración, Birthday, Bday, Cumpleaños, Stationery

Once I had the main decoration I wrote his info. On this NCT journal I like to keep track of each member's birthday, horoscopes, some extra info such as the units they are in and a small quote of them from a song they participate in ♪(´ε` ) 

Koori, Style, KooriStyle, NCT, NCT2020, WayV, Journal, Hendery, Planner, Decoration, Decoración, Birthday, Bday, Cumpleaños, Stationery

Once I finish writing on the spread, I add extra decorations to fill any empty space; for this one I used macarons that I cut from a lovely washi tape I had (o^-')b And here's the final result:  

Koori, Style, KooriStyle, NCT, NCT2020, WayV, Journal, Hendery, Planner, Decoration, Decoración, Birthday, Bday, Cumpleaños, Stationery

I liked the pastel theme on this one hehe. I wish Hendery a lovely birthday and I hope for WayV and all NCT units to have an amazing comeback with the NCT 2020 project, I'm so looking forward to it (*≧▽≦)♪ Thanks for stopping by my friends, have a lovely day . 

Español: ¡Hola! El día de hoy hice una pequeña actualización en mi Journal de NCT que empecé en Junio; esta vez hice la decoración por el cumpleaños de Hendery ^.^/♪ En las imágenes muestro los materiales que utilicé así como el resultado final. En este journal me gusta tener info básica de cada uno de los integrantes como su cumpleaños, horóscopos, unidades, etc. Me gustó mucho el resultado final con tema pastel! Les deseo lo mejor a WayV y todas las subunidades con este nuevo proyecto de NCT 2020, estoy muy emocionada (*≧▽≦)♪ Gracias por visitarme, tengan un lindo día .

❄ Cori・氷 ❄