“Pull Tab” Letter Folding

by - January 16, 2015

Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Cute Letter Paper Folding Snail Mail SnailMail Origami Pull Tab PullTab

Hi Friends~! Today I’ll share with you one of my first attempts of a video tutorial. I made this video in order to practice talking to the camera and I must say, before you watch it, that my English pronunciation is kind of… weird hehe but as I mentioned in the video I’ll keep practicing~!

Have you ever tried letter folding (origami)? I’ve made it several times and it’s very relaxing, I tend to use it when I send snail mail to friends in another countries (The image above is a letter I sent to a friend in Spain, I hope she receive it soon :D). Later I’ll upload a new video of a heart-shape letter folding technique ;)

PS. I want to say "Happy Birthday!!!" to my lovely friend Ludmi from Argentina ♥! Today's her birthday and I hope she has an amazing day ^.^/ ♥!